Our Day at the Pumpkin Patch!!
We actually went to the Pumpking patch a couple times, so this is a compilation of all those trips!

Halloween Night- My 2 Power Rangers

A mini Fall Photo Shoot. . . 1 good Pic out of like 200

Our Baby Boy!!
In November we found out that the boys get another Brother. We are so excited. It will be a fun adventure. I told Steve, that I am destined to be Den Mother & should just invest in the Sexy Yellow Scout Shirt Now!!! Also, he was measuring a little big so my doctor set my Induction date a week early for March 26th. Gotta Love knowing when he is going to get here!
The Ultrasound Tech was awesome & got us some really good pics of the little guy, the first one is of his hand giving a little Wave
The day after Thanksgiving (after our all night black friday shopping) we ventured up into the Uintah Mountains & got a christmas tree. It was so much fun. I think this is going to become a yearly Christmas Tradition.
Gotta Love the Red Face

Pretty good tree coming straight from the Mountains. . . Only one big hole!!!
How fun to go find christmas tree in the mountains! Congrats again on having another boy. It definitely makes for an engergetic household. :) Your boys are so adorable.
Congratulations on having a little boy. That is so exciting! Also, I love the pictures. I miss you guys.
Congrats on the baby! :) WHAT A GREAT NEWS! I am so excited for you! :) I loved the ultra sound pics. WOW! You guys look so happy! I am so happy for you guys! MERRY CHRISTMAS CUZ! I LOVE YOU!
Oh man, your kids are so so so cute! The pictures look awesome Kate and congrats on the new little baby boy Larsen, we are so excited for you guys!
Love ya,
Yay! You finally posted! I love seeing pics of the boys, and I'm excited to hear you're having another one. We love you guys. And miss you too.
Congrats on your baby boy!! How does it happen that we can have so many boys?? Your kids are so cute! I love that you went and got your own tree, that is kelly's dream, I don't know why we have never done it?
ps, I steal recipes from your recipe blog all the time, THANKS!!
Kate we just found out we are having another boy! If me you and adge ever get together again we will have quite a little army. :)
Are you sure you are really pregnant?? At the shower you can't even tell and you only have a few months left... whats up?? you look great, I'm totally excited for you guys!
Another baby boy? Congrats! You're kids are so stinkin cute!
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