Sunday, December 30, 2007

2007 In a Glance

Here's a look at our year in Review:
January – Christian & Andrew started going to Storytime at the Pleasant Grove Library. They have so much fun & ask every day if it is Storytime day. We went on an awesome trip to California. We went to San Diego, Disneyland, The Beach & Vegas. It was so much fun to go on Vacation with Steve’s family. It always makes for good stories all year long.
February - Tragedy struck at Trolley Square in Salt Lake City when a crazed young man shot and killed seven innocent people, bringing the reality of what's seen on the news home to us in Utah. Andrew Started sleeping through the night & eating whole jars of food.
March – Christian is able to recognize all his letters. Now whenever we are out & about he just yells out letters. Steve went on his first business trip & left me and the boys. We survived but were sure glad when daddy came home. Grandma came to visit!
April – Christian turned 2 years old. We had a fun birthday party with all your cousins. We went to Canada for Carries Wedding. It was fun to spend the week with family. Steve turned 28!!!!! We went to St George with your cousins. That was a fun week filled with swimming & lots of playing. Andrew learned to clap, cut his first tooth & can say Dada. I got to go on my Scrapbook retreat which was so much fun. I went to a huge cabin with 30 other woman & scrapbooked all night. We had lots of treats & lots of fun. We went hot-tubbing every night & enjoyed not having to get up with any kids in the middle of the night. Can’t wait to go next year!
May - We started to put our garden in. We planted Zuchinni, & tomatoes. We went to Heber & got to ride Thomas the Train. Tha was definitely a fun day for both boys. Andrew learned to climb stairs. We had 5 BBQ’s in 1 month. We sure love our Hamburgers & Hot Dogs.
June – We went to the Cabin 3 times this month. It was a lot of fun. We slept out on the back deck. Steve & I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. We kicked off our summer of fairs & festivals by attending the Orem City Festival. It was a lot of fun. . . I do wonder where all the white trash people hide throughout the year. They all seem to come out to these festivals. We went to a Stingers baseball game with our friend Hailey. Steve & Christian went to Fathers & Sons. They had so much fun & next year Andrew gets to go (Yeah for Mommy) We went to the Strawberry Days Rodeo 3 nights in a row. By the last night mommy had the process down to a science. I knew exactly what treats to pack & everything. Jane & I went to the Kenny Chesney Concert at Usana Ampitheatre It was a blast. A Kenny Concert can never get too dull!
July – Jane & I road tripped to Kallispell Montana to go to the Lake with The Schow family. It was a blast. Christian still talks about it. We definitely need to plan another trip like that. I turned 27 years old. Had the first Fry Party. What a novel idea! We went to 3 baseball games, The Utah county fair at Thanksgiving point. And many days were spent lounging at the American Fork Pool. That is the life I tell you! My baby Andrew started walking. Went Camping in the uintas & almost didn’t make it.
August - Steve & I went on Trek with the youth from our Stake. What an experience. The longer I am home the more I can look back & enjoy it. Andrew turned 1. We had a Fiesta party, Homemade Fajitas, Homemade Bavarian cream empanadas. . . Lots of yummy food. I flew by myself with 2 kids 2 and under. We spent a week in Virginia & a week at the Beach with all the Schow’s (I missed you Jill) it was such a fun trip. OBX 2007 lives on.
September – Went Camping for the last time this year. Went to the State fair 2 times. Once again Where do all those people come from.
October – Grandma & Grandpa came to visit!! Carrie & Aunt Jeannie came to visit too!! Nikki & Joe got married. It was a really fun day. We went to the Scarecrow festival, & Barnyard boo. We went to the pumpkin patch with our friends. Halloween was a great night. The boys realized what Trick or Treat really means. They both were Pirates. AArgh!!!
November - Planned our Day after Thanksgiving shopping spree. Organized a cute Thanksgiving Craft. Thanksgiving was a lot of fun, good food! Started playing Bunko. Who knew it could be such a fun game. Decorated for Christmas before December 1st. The boys did a great job with the tree.
December – Grandma & Grandpa came to visit again!! Sinter Klaus came on December 5th. We went to Rexburg Idaho for Luke & Kara’s graduation. Went on 4 girls night out this month (I think that is a record) Had a wonderful Christmas with my family, having kids makes all the difference. Enjoyed driving around & seeing all the lights. I am the host of the New Years Eve party tomorrow night!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

We have had quite the eventful couple of days. Yesterday for Christmas Eve we went with Steves Family to National Treasure 2. It was a really fun movie, I only wish Andrew enjoyed it like we did. He finally fell asleep the last half hour. Then we went & had dinner, played games & Santa brought an early present. . . . PJ's. We got all the cousins matching Camo PJ's & they were so cute. Last night Christian & Andrew were so cute about putting out cookies, carrots & Hot cocoa for Santa & the Reindeers.

When they woke up this morning it was so much fun. Everytime you asked Christian what he wanted for Christmas he said airplanes. . So Santa brought airplanes. When he saw them this morning he was so excited He kept saying I told him I wanted them & he brought them. I told him!!! Having Christmas with Little kids is a blast. We had to take a break halfway through to eat our yummy breakfast of Monkey Bread!! So healthy & declicious. We then got ready to go back to Steve's parents and open presents with Grandma & Grandpa. We had a fun day.

We wish we were able to go to Canada with my family & cousins but with the storms coming it just wouldn't be safe to be out on the road. Thank you for all the gifts. It has been a wonderful day!!

P.S. I never did send out Christmas cards this year. I had good intentions and then the time got away from me. I figure most of the people I was going to send them to read my blog so you are updated as to what my family is doing. But when I was thinking about sending them out this was the picture i was going to use. What a pair of cuties!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Back to the Old Stompin Ground

The View as you Drive into Rexburg

BirchWood. . . Just a note apt 601 had a christmas tree on the balcony I guess that is an upgrade from an ugly couch

The boys enjoy suckers & drinks from Horkleys. . . BTW I got a 44 oz soda for 57 cents. not that I needed a soda that size but it was a steal of a deal. My whole purchase was 82 centsWhat would a trip to Rexburg be without visiting Mean Jean

This weekend I went back to Rexburg & IF for my brothers Graduation from BYU-I. . . .While in rexburg I got a little nostalgic until i realized that I am closer to 30 than I am to 20. It kind of made me sad. I drove around visitng old hang outs & seeing how much things have changed. They are building a ton & it isn't the quaint Rexburg it use to be. This is for you Torrey & Steph!!

I want to put a disclaimer that hopefully more pictures are to come as I am in Eastern Idaho until Sunday & I am in none of these pictures cause it was me & the boys venturing by ourselves while the others enjoyed a (most likely long & boring) graduation ceremony.

What is left of the old Retrix

Self Explantory